Send a Free Fax now to anywhere in the United States, Canada, and Worldwide. It doesn't matter what country you are in. It's easy. Choose a number and use any computer to send and receive faxes by email.
Fax Number ex) 222-345-6789
Page List (Max 3 Pages) ex) 1 or 2 or 1,2 or 3,4,6
free 1 fax per a day, No email required, Supports only PDF, Google Documents. This app uses the SSL cloud server for a Fax. The Fax will be transmitted securely.
3 pages per fax maximum + fax cover
2 free faxes per day maximum
Free Fax to the United States and Canada
After saving the file, Drag the file into file-input-box. or Choose the file. PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Documents, jpg, gif, tiff, png...
Send 2 faxes every 24 hours.
A valid email address is required. Upon submitting the fax, you will receive a confirmation message via email which will authorize delivery of the fax.
2025, ⓒ Free Fax in the US, Canada
To use this app, Please login to the Google Drive and authorize this app or website.
(Note: If your browser block or disable the third-party cookies, this login does not work correctly.)